This is one of my articles that will be published in the newsletter of Connaction 2007 conference:
Talent show
A big mysterious reward was waiting for the most talented Miss or Mr Connaction 2007. Evereybody from the conference gathered together in the youth club with all their talents and full of hope that they will win this mysterious reward.
“ Tabea dumped me!!! Oh my heart is broken now… But what I don’t understand in all this story is that our relation ship lasted for eight seconds only!!!!! That was the first performance in the show by Dave’s humorous show. Oh my God!!! We didn’t stop laughing, it was a very funny show. Now, all you have to do is to let your tongue reach your nose and touch it. I know that you are trying to do that now and I know also that you didn’t succeed in doing it!! But let me tell you something, Silvia, the tender girl from the conference could do it!!! Bravo!
What about playing the flute? Two talented people, Hannes and Frederike, could play the flute perfectly and could play the song that most of you know from kindergarten “ Hejo, span den wagen an”. Everybody was singing happily the song with them while playing, it was so cool!!! Sababa!!!
Now ladies and gentlemen I would like to
intoduce for you the super star singer “Urs”, who didn’t sing anything at all but he was trying to show of while Nicola played the harmonica.
After that super performance three talented guys (in real life) in playing many different kind of instruments, Martin, Simon and Fabian, but in this show they acted like playing the instruments on Mute mode!! Firas and Motasem chose four people from the audience, Christian, Urs, Sophia and Evi and took them outside to tell them they should act in front of all the audience the role of riding a motorcycle, while the others inside were preparing a trick for them and they had to imagine them sitting on the toilette. After some minutes the four victims came in and they starting acting their role. You have to imagine it, it was really very funny!!
After all the laughing and humorous shows, I went on the stage and sang a very sad song in arabic about being away from home for a long time and how much I miss my hometown. It is a song
called “Nassam alayna il hawa” for a very popular singer called “Fayrooz”, and Ahmad played the Darbokeh. But the problem was that my stomach was hurting me a lot as I ate a lot of food since I cam to Germany, I just can’t stop eating because the German food is very delicious, spaghetti, cheese and vegetables. Yam Yam!!!
However, there was one girl who is very talented in drawing portraits but she was hiding and didn’t want to say anything about her talent, probably she was shy a little bit. I introduced her to the audience and showed them the portrait of my face that she had drawn it earlier that night. Good luck girl!!
Peace…. It’s a big and very important world, we need it in our life because it is like the water, if we don’t have it in our life we wouldn't have survived until now. So Lucia, Moira and Lisa sang a song about peace in two languages, Hebrew and Germany. Thank you!!
The last performance was from Ruth and Martin who sang and played the electro guitar,
they were so good, nice voices and a very perfect performance, I think they should form a band!!
Finally, the time of announcing about the winner came and all the people who performed something went on the stage and each one had to stand in the middle and the audience had to shout and clap as much as they liked his performance, like this the judges would choose the winner. In a result, we had three winners, Dave, Martin and Ruth, they were too perfect to let any one of them lose, Special Mr Connaction “Martin”, Mr Connaction “Dave” and Miss Connaction “ Ruth”. Then it was the time for the mysterious reward to be given for the winners, everybody was waiting for it eagerly. So first of all there was presents for all the participants, but guess what was it?……………………. four packets of tea each!!! Then they opened the big reward, also guess what was it???………… a lot of food, Jam , biscuits and vegetables!! It was so funny because we expected to see something else like maybe electronic reward or at least a book!!!!!!!