And elhamdolellah we started to build this bridge. We arrived to the airport in cologne with a big great welcoming from Annie’s mom, and it was for us as a rest day, we had a lunch, a good sleep and we should tell you that when we arrived here it was the first day that sunshine is coming for three weeks, and the big surprise was the Annie’s mom prepared for us a big nice home, just for us.
The next day we waked up early we had a breakfast and then we started to work in the garden, it was really nice to work in the garden with a great weather, with a small mice, and mama (we started to call her mama) was so happy from our work, then we went to buy some food to cook.
We started to feel like German’s after we had visited the Reihn river, and we went with bikes and it was soooo nice, so when went back we saw a big big surprise waiting for us home, Yago and Samuel, the crazy guys, it was really great moment for us to see them again, and we had a Wonderful day with them, we went to Bonn, the city, we ate Döner (shwarma), and we went to a cafe there, we had some drinks, happy people, smiling laughing singing and having a great time, ahhhhh we forgot to tell that we meat a guy his name is Gmal he is from morocco
1 Kommentar:
Uiii die kenn ich doch... ich hoffe ihr kommt nach Hamburg und euch gehts allen gut.... Liebe grüße aus Hamburg euer Felix
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